【论文代写】 留学生都好奇优秀的Case Study怎么写?下面分享案例分析范文与写作技巧

案例分析是吸引潜在客户并帮助建立信任的有效营销方式。通过撰写一个以当前客户为特征的优秀案例分析,你可以展示如何使用你的产品或服务满足客户的需求。同时案例分析还是很好的教育资源,可以在你的业务或团队中共享,并可作为未来项目的参考。因此,对读business、marketing、sociology等专业的留学生来说,能够写出优秀的案例分析是一个必不可少的能力。但很多海外留学的中国学生不太了解case 【论文代写】 study是什么,case study 怎么写?这就是我们发布这篇文章的主要理由。下面我们代写专家将回答最热门关于如何做case study的问题、分享优秀案例分析范文以及写作技巧。

  • Case study 是什么? 为何要写案例分析?
  • 案例分析的具体内容到底是什么?
  • 优秀的case study怎么写?揭露高效窍门
  • 案例分析的主要类型有哪些?
  • 案例分析范文附带专家的评论
  • Case study写作中需要避免的错误





  • 确定案例分析中的关键问题和事件;
  • 用一到两句话来总结你的分析结果。


  • 场景设置: 背景信息、相关事实和主要问题;
  • 证明你已研究了该案例分析中的问题。


  • 概述你所关注的该案例分析的各个部分;
  • 通过讨论什么是有效的,什么是无效的来评估这些部分;
  • 说明为什么案例分析的这些部分有效或者无效。

(4) 解决方案或修改意见

  • 提供具体和现实的解决方案或所需的更改;
  • 解释为什么选择这个解决方案;
  • 用确凿的证据来支持这个解决方案,比如:课堂上的知识 (书籍、研讨、讲座),课外研究,个人经验(轶事)。


  • 确定并讨论完成所提议的解决方案的具体策略;
  • 如果可实施的话,建议采取进一步的行动来解决其中的一些问题;
  • 应该做什么,由谁来做。


(1) 突出案例分析中的关键点


(2) 使用图标来总结信息


(3) 用数据来提出具体的观点

在进行任何类型的研究分析时,统计数据、事实和数字都是非常有价值的,能够量化你的发现对于全面理解信息是很重要的。说“销售额增长了10%”比说 “销售额增长了”更有效。在案例分析中,关键的数据结果都用图标表示,并从页面中脱颖而出。我们可以清楚地了解这些信息,这表明案例分析得到了很好的研究。

(4) 使用高对比度的形状和颜色来吸引对关键信息的注意力


(5) 通过对公司的整体调研进行案例分析


(6) 在你的案例分析中涵盖短期和长期目标


(7) 在你的案例分析中使用感性的、有说服力的或以行动为基础的语言

(8) 使用图表来可视化数据


(9) 用战略性思维去处理每个案例分析



(1) 说明性案例分析


(2) 探索性案例分析


(3) 累积性案例分析


(4) 重要实例性案例分析



Organizations must perform at reliable and successful levels to stay in business. One indicator of organizational performance is its human resources outcomes. To be competitive in a global 【加拿大代写】 marketplace, a large multinational organizational should manage human resources as strategically as any other division or department. Starbucks is an example of strong human resources strategy coupled with logical planning and effective management. It serves as a strong example for all large organizations to model human resources upon.



Unlike most large companies, employees of Starbucks are called “partners” and are encouraged to join young and build a career with the organization. Human resources are handled by Starbucks’ “Partner Resources Department” with 500 employees serving roles in staffing, learning and development. compensation and benefits, organizational development, and partner services (Starbucks, n.d.). 【英国代写】 Researchers Korschun, Bhattacharya, and Swain (2014) describe the engaged employee’s impact on the brand as follows:

Employees who identify with the organization will adopt suggested workplace behaviors and be motivated to support the company’s products and brands. Yet prior research also prompts us to suggest that this effect will be mediated by the employee’s customer orientation. Identification is known to encourage behaviors that benefit the collective. Thus, the more he or she will seek opportunities to contribute to company performance. Because serving customers’ needs is a key way that frontline employees help the company maintain and deepen relationships with those customers, such employees may view their own efforts to contribute to customer loyalty as helping drive long-term organizational success. (p. 24).

To remain competitive in the coffee and food-and-beverage marketplace, Starbucks needs to keep its partners happy and the public coming back for more.

(3) 案例分析接下来的内容中,要着重于案例的几个关键点或操作。仅仅说明什么是有效的,什么是无效的是不够的,你需要用来自理论、专家或例子的证据来支持这一点。

Recruitment processes are an important part of any human resources strategy. Economic crisis, market booms, natural disasters, and other unforeseen occurrences should not send hiring and firing process into a tailspin. Instead, organizations should have strong plans to weather any literal or metaphorical storm. Long-term vision should include anticipation for the need for new hires, job specificity, strong candidate pools, logical assessment of candidates, securing the best talent, integrating new hires, and reviewing processes for efficiency and efficacy (Fernandez-Araoz, et al., 2009). Though Starbucks responded to the recent recession with slashed jobs and closed locations, later effots focused on long-term goals and recruitment strategy. The “Starbucks College Achievement Plan” was recently launched, offering free college education through Arizona State University Online to all partners, including part-time employees (Starbucks, n.d.).

(4) 下面,作者再次对该公司的这种特殊做法进行了评价。作者也用理论或研究来支持她的评价。

Starbucks has a strong human resources strategy and management system. This has led to high organizational effectiveness in the industry, stemming in part from successful employee engagement. Positive employee engagement leads to psychological climate, cultural attitude, and set of employee behaviors, that positively impact an organization. from top to bottom (Kataria, et al., 2013). Therefore, it is safe to say, that Starbucks’ Partner Resources has had positive effect on the organization as a whole.

(5) 如果你的案例分析集中在公司或项目的一个问题上,你应该包括一个关于你建议的解决方案的部分。一定要提出你的解决方案,也要提出理论或研究来支持你的解决方案。在案例分析本节中,作者将他的案例分析与竞争对手的案例分析进行了比较。

In a recent article, food editor Bret Thorn (2014) described the “strabucksification” of Dunkin’ Donuts. While a donut shop is not, specifically, competition for a coffee shop, customers are loyal to the coffees made by each establishment. This includes the spread of Dunkin’ Donuts to wider regions across the United Stated with lager retailing of their coffee products. Like Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts offers K-Cup and ground coffee in supermarkets and convenience stores around the world.

Like Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts (n.d.) recruits online, focusing on entry-level employees who seek career mobility. Unlike Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts has only 7,500 storefronts in just 40 states. Each location is a franchise with unique local business owners running daily operations. Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. is a corporate entity and also owns the Baskin Robbins ice cream shop chain. Corporate headquarters boasts free coffee, donuts, and ice cream at corporate offices along with fitness centers, electric car charging stations, and half-day Fridays (Dunkin’ Donuts). This cannot be said for employees of franchised locations.

Without the central mission, homogenous culture, and overall size of Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts cannot provide a bold and uniform human resources management system for all employees. This gives Starbucks the competitive edge for recruiting from the common pool of potential employees. With more money to spend, Starbucks has more to offer in terms of investment in human capital. Thus, Starbucks has the edge.

(6) 案例分析结论部分是你总结你的要点给你的读者。在这里,你也可以提出你的案例研究的意义,告诉他们为什么你的案例分析很有价值。

Employers ask employees to work hard, be pleasant, and show results. The investment of time and money into human resources can, and will, pay off in positive organization outcomes if a strategic management system is in place and well-used. Seattle-based Starbucks has been an example of success through strategic human resource management through good times and bad. Its practices, though occasionally flawed, show an overwhelmingly successful model of large company investment in human capital.

(1) 忽略你的听众


(2) 不能快速流畅地通读你的案例分析


(3) 没有揭示故事背后的故事


(4) 过多强调你的解决方案


学会撰写优秀的案例分析,不仅能让你自身收益,还能给你的听众讲述一个扣人心弦,引人深思的故事,到达你营销的最终目的。因此,学会如何做case study是成功的关键点。如何你们还有任何问题,不确定case study是什么case study怎么写,可以随时找我们Academic Saviour专业assignment代写公司的帮助。我们的高专业,有丰富经验的写手不但将替你们写出高分案例分析,而且为你们的未来项目提供优秀的案例分析范文。随时联系我们的24/7在线客服!







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