
南加州大学马歇尔商学院(Marshall School of Business)是很多留学生梦寐以求的理想院校。今天,Wabl代写网就来和大家聊一聊,如何申请USC Marshall商学院,以及如何写好申请该校的个人陈述文书!内附优秀个人陈述范文赏析。

Marshall School of Business-学院介绍


作为美国西海岸最为知名的商学院之一,Marshall商学院在商业,会计,管理等领域有着良好的教学经验。在2018【代写作业】 年US-News大学排名中,Marshall商学院排名全美本科商学第11位,最佳研究生商学院第20位,MBA项目全美第14位。研究生所开设的BA商业分析,会计,供应链等专业均排名全美前十。



Marshall School of Business-申请要求

4年制本科学位:Four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent
在线申请表:A completed online application.
官方成绩单:Official academic transcripts.
标准化考试成绩:GMAT /GRE
个人陈述文书:Personal statement
简历:A professional resume
1封推荐信:One letter of recommendation, which must be submitted online.
语言成绩:TOEFL/IELTS (托福总分不低于90,单科不低于20/雅思总分不低于6.5,单科不低于6.0)

本科学位:Completion of Bachelor’s Degree or the Equivalent by Term of Admittance
在线申请表:Online Application
3封推荐信:Three Letters of Recommendation
个人陈述:Personal statement
语言成绩:TOEFL/IELTS (托福总分不低于100,单科不低于20/雅思总分不低于7.0,单科不低于6.0)
研究经验:Statement of Research Experience (recommended)
个人简历:Curriculum Vitae or Resume (recommended)
写作样本:Writing Sample (e.g. research paper)

Marshall School of Business-PS 范文

目标专业:Finance 金融 ?

My name is XXX, and I am applying for the Marshall School of Business MS in Finance program. I’m a transfer student from UCLA who earned a degree in Economics. While my undergraduate GPA is not as strong as I like, I plan to excel in my graduate studies.


My undergrad years were too ambitious: in addition to strengthening my English-speaking skills, I spent too much time managing my real estate business instead of classwork. I am now confident in my English skill sets and, with my business on a secure footing, I plan to devote much more time to my graduate studies.


Despite my academic grades, I am still optimistic about my strong candidacy at Marshall. My degree in Economics prepared me to transition into finance, and my coursework provided me with a good foundation as I embark on graduate work. Among the courses I took are Econometrics and Accounting Principles, both of which empowered me to gain insight into financial markets and economic 【assay代写】 systems.


A Master of Science in Finance degree will enable me to achieve both my short term and long term goals. I plan to pursue a career in investment banking while advancing my real estate business. A degree in finance will give me the tools necessary to flourish in both. I will have the skill sets necessary to conduct mergers, acquisitions, and to leverage buyouts, which are essential for any corporation that plans to grow.


My real estate business is currently small, and for it to realize its full potential, an in-depth understanding of financial management is crucial. In my undergraduate studies, I gained a great deal of understanding of economic theory and practice, but I know I still have far to 【文章代写】 go. Bolstering my knowledge and experience with enhanced financial skills, such as the courses offered in Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis and Valuation, will not only empower me in the field of real estate but also benefit my present and future clients as well.


Of course, great courses can’t be taught unless there are great teachers, and USC Marshall has no shortage of excellent faculty members. I’ve spent time reading published papers by Dr. Cary Frydman, Dr. Lisa Cavanaugh, and Dr. Yanhui Wu to stay on top of the latest developments in economic research and business models. I was particularly fascinated by Professor Frydman’s research on how reactions to stock market trading are observed on a neurological level, as biology and the stock market 【澳大利亚代写】don’t readily come to mind (images of the “bull market” notwithstanding!) and I marveled at the possibilities of interdisciplinary research. I also thought Professor Wu’s 2016 paper on the role that government plays in social media accounts in China was quite intriguing because it demonstrated the ties between government and the public’s opinion on political and economic issues.


Reading these types of papers made me realize how expansive the field of business is, and I am excited at the prospects of contributing to the growing literature of business research and practice while earning a Master of Science in Finance degree from USC Marshall.


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